Action, Horror, Psychological, Supernatural, Drama, Romance, Seinen
Skor di MyAnimeList
R+- Mild Nudity
Elfen Lied Special
Judul Jepang
エルフェンリート 特別編
Judul Lain
Elfen Lied: In the Passing Rain, Elfen Lied OVA
Jumlah Episode
1 Special
Musim Rilis
Tanggal Tayang
21 April 2005
Studio Produksi
Durasi per Episode
25 Menit per episode
Action, Horror, Psychological, Supernatural, Drama, Romance, Seinen
Skor di MyAnimeList
R+ - Mild Nudity
Anime Elfen Lied bercerita tentang para Diclonius, sebuah Homosapien bermutasi yang dikatakan dipilih oleh Tuhan dan akhirnya akan menjadi awal kehancuran umat manusia.
Diclonius memiliki dua tanduk di kepala mereka dan memiliki “indra keenam” yang memberikan mereka kemampuan telekinetic.
Karena kekuatan ini berbahaya, mereka ditangkap dan diisolasi di laboratorium oleh pemerintah.
Lucy, Diclonius muda dan psikotik, berhasil membebaskan diri dari lab tersebut dan membunuh dengan brutal sebagian besar penjaga di laboratorium tempat dia ditahan, walaupun sempat tertembak di kepala saat melarikan diri Lucy berhasil bertahan dan jatuh dari ke laut lalu hanyut ke pantai di mana dua remaja, Kouta dan Yuka, menemukannya.
Setelah kehilangan ingatannya, dia diberi nama dengan satu-satunya hal yang bisa dia katakan, “Nyuu,” dan mereka berdua mengizinkannya untuk tinggal di rumah Kouta. Namun, tampaknya sisi psikotik Lucy belumlah hilang dan awal cerita Elfen Lied baru saja dimulai.
Lucy is a special breed of human referred to as "Diclonius," born with a short pair of horns and invisible telekinetic hands that lands her as a victim of inhumane scientific experimentation by the government. However, once circumstances present her an opportunity to escape, Lucy, corrupted by the confinement and torture, unleashes a torrent of bloodshed as she escapes her captors.
During her breakout, she receives a crippling head injury that leaves her with a split personality: someone with the mentality of a harmless child possessing limited speech capacity. In this state of instability, she stumbles upon two college students, Kouta and his cousin Yuka, who unknowingly take an injured fugitive into their care, unaware of her murderous tendencies. This act of kindness will change their lives, as they soon find themselves dragged into the shadowy world of government secrecy and conspiracy.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Elfen Lied Special
Having been accepted into the Kaede Inn, Nana struggles to find some way to contribute, though she inadvertently brings more trouble than assistance. However, Nana's worries are directed more towards fellow resident Nyu, whom she had only known as Lucy, the violent Diclonius. Fearful that Nyu will unleash the same horrific savagery—violence that scars Nana to this day—upon those close to her, Nana faces a dilemma: attempt to live peacefully alongside Lucy with all the uncertainty that that entails or dispose of the source of her worries, shattering the relationships she has formed at the inn. As Nana struggles to come to a decision, Nyu recalls a painful memory of one of her dearest friends and one of her greatest rivals.
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